Telefon: 733 550 296 | Transparentní účet: 2800060940/2010
About us
You can contact us on facebook.
Our cats live together with us in our homes (beds) and are used to life in a flat or a house. They are fully vaccinated and treated against parasites and most of them have a micro chip allowing them to travel abroad. Adult animals are spayed or neutered. Unlike some Czech shelters, we don’t care about where you come from, but about the love and care you are able to give to our/your cat. Our cats live in families from all over the world.
Devět životů’s cat shelter and foster care
Devět životů has been looking after homeless cats since 2010. We mostly admit cats from the area of Slaný, Kladno and Kralupy nad Vltavou. Some of the cats are in foster care in Prague, most of them however in a small village of Zvoleněves near Slaný. Our goal is to save homeless cats, provide them with individual care, find homes for all rescued cats and at the same time give people a lot of new four legged friends. Our organization has seven members and several volunteers who all do their work in their free time without any financial claims. Being an NGO looking after cats means we are financed neither by state nor by a city and we depend on help of private donors. Therefore we appreciate any financial support.
Devět životů means „Nine lives“ and we want to be here for all nine cat’s lives and for people too.
Our mission
We rescue stray and unwanted cats and kittens, provide necessary treatment, vaccinate, spay or neuter them and find new homes for them.
Some of „our“ cats are abandoned when their owners move, some wander off and some come to us because their owners no longer can look after them or want them anymore. Some stray cats come undernourished or injured and require veterinary treatment.
We encourage neutering and spaying
Many feral communities stem from un-neutered pets that either go astray or are left unwanted that go onto to produce several generations of cats and kittens. The life of a feral cat is hard, with little food but lot of diseases, having up to 3 litters of kittens a year. They can be a nuisance to the locals. As well as helping domestic cats, we can also help with feral communities. We offer castrations with only a small symbolic fee.
We inform the public about the care of cats and kittens
An important part of our work is to help the public by providing information on cat care and answering any questions they may have. We focus on children and also teach them responsibility for the life of their pets.
Charity events
We try to be financially more independent by selling different goods in our shop and organizing various charity events. Twice a year (Christmas and Easter) we have a big event called „Tree of cat wishes come true“ which has a goal to raise money for shelters from the whole country.
We regularly visit home for elderly people with our four pawed therapists and bring their warmth and love with us. Our therapists are both feline and canine.
Contact information
Devět životů, o.p.s.
Hospozín 172
Phone: +420 602 258 875
Email: frantiska@devet-zivotu.cz
Bank account
VAT: 0022819789
Bank account: 2800060940/2010
IBAN: CZ7720100000002800060940